Beauty Art
Illustrator and comic artist based in Italy
Beauty Art
Here you can find a digital portfolio of my artworks. For updates on my projects, please refer to my social media accounts.
Every image/preview present in this page is prohibited to save, repost on social media by viewers.
Beauty Art

Sofia Ruggeri
Hello! My name is Sofia,
going around the web as Beauty Art.
I'm an illustrator and comic artist from Italy.
Professional skills:
♥ Clip Studio Paint
♥ Adobe Photoshop
♥ Watercolor painting
♥ Copic Markers painting
Pronouns: She/Her
School: graduated from art high-school + illustration and comic art degree. Attending comic art master class.
Specialized in: multimedia, illustration and comic art.

Book illustrator
Artist for your comic book
Merch designer
Storyboard artist
Streaming assets art deisng (YT, Twitch ecc.)
Beauty Art
Here you can find All the info you need to commission me a pesonalized artwork.
Every PDF/file/site/image/preview present in this page is prohibited to save, repost on social media by viewers.
~Please read the information carefully to make sure you’re aware of all TOS. ~BY COMMISSIONING ME YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE TERMS OF SERVICE
➤ The prices shown below are for NON-COMMERCIAL usage only. This means you are not allowed to resell or make merchandise of it.➤ For COMMERCIAL USE the princes are calculated as it follows:
x1.5 multiplier (Promo art, game usage, Twitch/Youtube Usage, Vtubing ecc...)
x2 multiplier (Merchandise = prints, keychains, pins, artbooks...anything that will be sold).➤The prices listed are per character. Extra characters added to the piece will cost half of the original price (+50% of the base price).➤ All princes are in EURO so, please, check out the right cost in your own currency by yourself before commissioning.➤ All types of digital illustration listed CAN BE CUT FOR ANIMATION. The additional fee for the service is +€10 (small drawing) / +€20 (large drawing).✔️: OCs, fanart, animals, furry, slight NSFW (sexy attire, slight gore, nudity), couples.
❌: Intense gore, horror, fetisces, hard NSFW (sex scenes, hentai), mecha.➤ To start the procedure, read the T.O.S. carefully and then refer to the email below:
Types of commissions:
Character Illustration
Digital illustration of a charcter with a basic background.
It will also include a transparent version if requested.
Highly detailed outfits will be subject to extra charge depending on complexity. (Refer to T.O.S.)
close-up | Half Body | Full Body |
€10 | €30 | €50 |
digital illustration
Full-rendered digital illustration with a more complex background, lighting and composition.
Highly detailed outfits and backgrounds will be subject to extra charge depending on complexity. (Refer to T.O.S.)
Half Body | Full Body |
€80 | €100 |
Digital illustration of a character in "chibi style".
It will also include a transparent version if requested.
A background can be added with an extra charge depending on complexity. (Refer to T.O.S.)
Half body | Full body | Twitch emotes |
€15 | €25 | €7 each (Comm. usage in) |
Traditional illustration
Traditional illustration done with copic markers, inks or watercolors. Aviable both with background or backgroundless.
This type of commission could need more time due to materials aviability.
Highly detailed outfits and backgrounds will be subject to extra charge depending on complexity. (Refer to T.O.S.)
Half Body | Full Body |
€100 | €150 |
Beauty Art
Please read everything carefully before contacting and commissioning me
➤If you want to comission me you have to contact me by my e-mail [email protected].
➤The more detailed you are describing your request, the better (can be visual or written)! Feel free to send me all the references for characters, poses, background ecc. to make the commission just as you want.
➤Once all the details are set and the half payment is done, I will start to work on your commission. I will send you back some sketches and once you find one that you like I will continue with lineart and color. You can request major changes only during the sketch part; you can request major changes after the sketch part ONLY UP TO TWO TIMES, then there will be an extra fee to pay. (+€10 each)
➤At the end you will receive the full image illustration in high quality without watermark / the PSD file cut out in case of animation request.PAYMENT AND REFUNDS:
➤The payment is via PAYPAL or WIRE TRANSFER https://www.salecalc.com/paypal
➤The payment is set for half the price upfront and the remaining half before sending the final result.
➤All princes are in EURO so, please, check out the right cost in your own currency by yourself before commissioning.
➤I will start to work on your commission only AFTER the first payment has been made.
➤The commission is NOT refundable once I’ve started working on it. (sketch phase initialized)
➤You may cancel the commission without any charges, if the payment hasn’t been made yet.
➤You may request a refund, if the commission hasn’t yet been started 3 months after ordering.HOW YOU CAN USE YOUR COMMISSION:Personal usage➤The commissions are not to be printed, resold, multiplied nor used in any way that could bring income unless agreed otherwise.
➤You may not make changes to the illustration on your own, nor have it edited by a 3rd party or used for AI learning.
➤You may use the commision for any personal usage like profile pictures etc. but you have to credit me as the author.
➤You may not claim the authorship of the artwork itself. The artist (me) keeps all ownership of the artwork.
➤You may print the commission for your personal use (single copy).Commercial usage➤The commission may be used in a type of commercial usage that was agreed on.
➤You may not make changes to the illustration on your own, nor have it edited by a 3rd party or used for AI learning.
➤You may use the commision for any personal usage like profile pictures etc.
➤You may not claim the authorship of the artwork itself. The artist (me) keeps all ownership of the artwork.ARTIST RIGHTS:
➤I have the right to decline a commission if it makes me unconfortable.
➤I own the artwork I create: I have the right to post it on my socials or use it for my portfolio; but I will surely credit you in case of original characters that I don't own.
➤If there is a due date (birthdays, release date ecc.), please tell me right away and I will act and manage the wait list accordingly.
➤I have the right to use your commission as a visual example for future commissions and catalogue.
➤In case of health or personal issues, you will be notified of the delay.
➤Please be kind and don't rush my work, as I'm NOT still a full-time freelance.
By ordering a commission from me, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.I do not take any responsibility if you have not read them.
Beauty Art
Here you can find the plot, snips of pages and readable prevews of my comic art works.
Every PDF/file/site/image/preview present in this page is prohibited to save, repost on social media by viewers.
Teaser chapter 1: "Il mondo che vorrei"
Teaser chapter 2: "Quello che non sono"
Teaser chapters done for the story I'm working on "Animal Spirits"!
By clicking the cover images down here, you'll be able to read a few pages of the story. (Function still in construction)N.B.: This story is still in construction, my abilities are evolving, the story may change in the future, this is no definitive final product of the story "Animal Spirit".
All the text in these pages is in Italian, sorry for the burden but I hope you can still enjoy the drawings.
Once, Mother Nature created life but something was stale: everything was so beautyful and well done, but always the same. She then created the process of reincarnation to let every animal that died have another chance in life with a new body, better abilities and emotions. Magic keeps them under control, suffocating their instincs and fury, this let to the creation of a real society.
Mother Nature then let four worthy souls get part of Their elemental power; four Guardians (air, water, earth and fire) must guide this new people in the right direction.
Years passed in peace until something started to crumble, someone is planning a great revolution to take back the real essence of wild animals...is this for a greater good or a way to get what they really want?
🇮🇹🇮🇹🇮🇹Capitoli pilota per il mio progetto personale "Animal Spirit"!
Cliccando sulle copertine qui sotto potrete leggere qualche tavola ispirata alla storia. (Funzione ancora in costruzione)N.B.: La storia è ancora in costruzione, le mie abilità cambiano negli anni e la storia può cambiare in futuro, questo non è alcun prodotto definitivo per la storia "Animal Spirit".
Una volta Madre Natura creò la vita ma qualcosa era stantio: tutto era così bello e ben fatto, ma sempre uguale. Ha quindi creato il processo di reincarnazione per consentire a ogni animale morto di avere un'altra possibilità nella vita con un nuovo corpo, abilità ed emozioni. La magia li tiene sotto controllo, soffocando i loro istinti e la loro furia, ciò ha portato alla creazione di una vera e propria società.
Madre Natura poi lasciò che quattro anime degne ottengano parte del Loro potere elementale; quattro Guardiani (aria, acqua, terra e fuoco) devono guidare questo nuovo popolo nella giusta direzione.
Gli anni sono passati in pace fino a quando qualcosa ha cominciato a sgretolarsi, qualcuno sta progettando una grande rivoluzione per riprendersi la vera essenza degli animali selvatici... è per un bene più grande o un modo per ottenere ciò che veramente vuole?
Thesis project I've made for my university graduation in illustration and comic book art university. It's inspired by the manga "Blue Period" by Tsubasa Yamaguchi, but the story and drawings are original and I'm in it and a character.
By clicking the cover images down here, you'll be able to read a few pages of the story. (Function still in construction)SUMMARY:
The second year at Geidai univerisity is presenting even more complicated projects. Searching for some clues on how to pass this new assignment, Yatora asks his friend Hashida for help and the solution leads them to a trip oversea to meet a foreign student, just as trubled as them...
Progetto pratico realizzato per la tesi di laurea in arte del fumetto ed illustrazione in università. L'opera è ispirata al manga "Blue Period" di tsubasa Yamaguchi, ma la storia ed i disegni sono originali e sono presente come personaggio all'interno del volume.
Cliccando sulle copertine qui sotto potrete leggere qualche tavola ispirata alla storia. (Funzione ancora in costruzione)TRAMA:
Il secondo anno della Geidai continua a presentare compiti sempre più difficili. Non sapendo dove cercare, Yatora chiede aiuto al suo amico hashida, ma la soluzione li poerterà a compiere un viaggio al di là dei confini per incontrare una studentessa straniera, anch'essa in difficoltà...

coming soon...
Beauty Art
I'm sorry...
Commissions are currently closed.
This part of the site is currently under construction, feel free to roam around other sections in the meantime.
Thank you for your interest and see you soon!